Open Book
Light Bulb

erasure of women

Adapted from “Women Leaving the Left” by Meghan Murphy, a Canadian living in Mexico.

I have been dedicated to the left since I was a teenager. As a young woman, I identified as a Marxist. I viewed supporters of Canada’s Liberal Party (led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) as right-wing.

Despite my dedication, I’ve became a pariah among progressives because I insist that prostitution, strip clubs, pornography and sexual objectification in the media harm women. I wrote critically about
SlutWalk, where young women attempted to fight victim-blaming by parading through the streets in their underwear. Read More…

"prayer doesn't work"

Many are tired of ineffective prayers to end mass shootings. Familiar platitudes such as “thoughts and prayers to the families” seem hollow.

“Prayer doesn’t work.”

Agree or disagree with that statement, rational analysis concludes that prayers have failed to stop mass shootings.
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