Open Book
Light Bulb

hate enhances self-esteem

Professor Sartwell of Dickinson College opines that our culture is increasingly proficient at vilifying people who disagree with us. This PhD of philosophy claims the taste for hate is a perverse, intentional pursuit of pleasure.

There is pleasure in hating. In fact, it enhances self-esteem and is self-congratulatory. Hating accomplishes three things simultaneously: Hate pronounces its superiority over the hated person. Hate pats itself on the back, as well as those who smartly agree, for its proper thinking. And hate professes thanks for being unlike those who disagree.
An insidious side of hating is that it is a most effective method for bringing people together. When you declare your opponents to be stupid or dangerous or evil, you benefit by attracting an agreeable crowd while distancing those who disagree.

Should they be challenged or questioned, haters feel threatened and quickly defend themselves—usually without analyzing the question. Self-defense begins by categorizing those who disagree as people living in a bubble, or in the past, or on the wrong side of history. The second stage of defense is to congratulate themselves and those who express agreement—resulting in shared good vibes. As a consequence, it becomes even harder to dialogue with anyone who disagrees.

Beginning as early as the 1970’s educators adopted student self-esteem as a fundamental of education. Today people are convinced that having their self-esteem damaged or even threatened is tantamount to being violently victimized. So they demand an environment purged of dissent.

Don’t expect things to get better until the pain caused by our divisions becomes greater than the pleasure gained from hating. It is even possible the flood of hate we have let loose will carry us into a deep and disastrous conflict. A way out is available. Healing is possible. It begins with repentance. ~

Dan Nygaard